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Umsiedlungspraxis verstößt gegen Richtlinien

9. April 2015:In March, World Bank president Jim Yong Kim admitted publicly what many civil society organisations and communities affected by World Bank-financed projects have long argued, that the Bank’s record on dealing with the resettlement of populations is a "cause …[of] deep concern".

Reacting to an internal report president Kim noted that "…we haven’t done a good enough job in overseeing projects involving resettlement; … haven’t implemented those plans well enough; and… haven’t put in place strong tracking systems to make sure that our policies were being followed."

The internal report, completed in mid-2014, found that governments lacked the funding required to meet Bank requirements and that many countries were unable to set up proper grievance mechanisms as required and that the status of displaced people was unknown for 61 per cent of sampled projects.

The current review is the first comprehensive evaluation of displacement caused by Bank projects in the last 20 years. As the Bank lacks access to accurate data, it estimates that about a half million people in active projects have been forced to resettle. These numbers are likely to grow as mega infrastructure projects are increasingly being pushed as an essential component of development strategies.

Cases in which the Bank’s activities have allegedly resulted in involuntary resettlement continue to cause concern, as evidenced by World Bank’s accountability mechanism, the Inspection Panel’s, November 2014 finding that "[m]anagement did not carry out the required full risk analysis, nor were its mitigation measures adequate to manage the concurrent roll-out" of a programme of forced resettlement in Ethiopia. The IP also recently concluded that the Bank violated its safeguard policies in Kenya, failing to protect indigenous populations from displacement from their ancestral home.

Quelle und ausführlicher Bericht: Bretton Woods Project, 31. März 2015.

Update 3. Juni 2015: Siehe dazu auch den Bericht "Umstrittene Umsiedlungsprojekte". Ehemalige Weltbank-Mitarbeiter glauben nicht an Besserung". In: Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 29. Mai 2015. Und: Huffington Post, "How The World Bank Broke Its Promise To Protect The Poor", April 2015.