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"Food Sovereignty: convergence and contradictions"

April 2015: The Third World Quarterly special issue is one of the publications coming out of the international conferences on food sovereignty jointly organized by Yale University, ISS, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Food First in September 2013 at Yale and in January 2014 at the ISS in The Netherlands. It is framed in relation to a broader political and intellectual initiative that aims to deepen academic discussions on food sovereignty. Building upon previous and parallel initiatives in ‘engaged academic research,’ and along the tradition of ‘a critical dialogue’ among activists and academics, it identifies four key themes that focus on the difficult contradictions, dilemmas and challenges confronting future research in the area:  (i) dynamics within and between social groups and classes in rural and urban, Global North-South contexts, (ii) flex crops and commodities, market insertion and long-distance trade, (iii) territorial restructuring, land and food sovereignty, and (iv) localization problematique.

Food Sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, condition and challenges. With guest editors Eric Holt-Gimenez, Alberto Alonso-Fradejas, Todd Holmes, and Martha Jane Robbins. Third World Quarterly Special Issue, Volume 36, Issue 3, 2015. Free access for a limited period.