Aus der Verlagsankündigung:According to estimates by the International Land Coalition, 57 million hectares of land have been leased to foreign investors since 2007. Current research has focused on human rights issues related to inward investment in land but has been ignorant of water resource issues and the challenges of managing scarce water. This handbook will be the first to address inward investment in land and its impact on water resources in Africa.
The geographical scope of this book will be the African continent. An important factor to note is that sub-Saharan Africa will, of all the continents, be hit hardest by climate change, population growth and food insecurity. Sensible investment in agriculture is therefore needed, however, at what costs and at whose expense?
The editors have involved a highly diverse group of expert researchers, who will review the pro- and anti-investment arguments, geopolitics, the role of capitalist investors, the environmental contexts and the political implications of, and reasons for, leasing millions of hectares in sub-Saharan Africa.
Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa. Foreign direct investment and food and water security. Edited by John Anthony Allan, Martin Keulertz, Suvi Sojamo, Jeroen Warner. August 2012 (Routledge).
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