Juli 2016: Aus der Ankündigung: "While a vital part of our everyday lives, the future of food is insecure: agriculture and food are currently being shaped by the culmination of multiple crises related to new energy policies, financial turmoil, and climatic hazards. Prevailing food insecurity and the question how agriculture and food should be organized within society are at the very heart of food networks and movements, which have been emerging all over the world in recent years. While all aim at developing alternatives to the current food system, research on these networks and movements together with the existing interlinkages, particularly when it comes to North-South divides, rarely are brought together."
"This workshop aims at addressing these transregional interlinkages and emerging synergies between those actors and groups of people who are building alternative food relationships in different parts of the world. Today, food networks and movements in various contexts are facing new challenges arising from the increasing complexity of the food system, such as the increasing engagement of financial actors in agrifood. However, they are also making use of new transregional spaces that are offering new possibilities for transregional networking and alliance building. The increasing degree of international connectedness has manifold implications in relation to the spread of knowledge about power structures in global food production, experiences in terms of campaigning and advocation, as well as the exchange of alternative visions of agriculture and food production, such as food sovereignty or how to achieve food justice."
"The workshop 'Envisioning the Future of Food Across North-South Divides: Transregional Food Networks and Movements' (1 to 3 December 2016) has three main questions to understand alternative food networks and movements, especially those across North-South divides:
1) What kinds of alternatives to the current food system are being developed in different world regions and what are their visions of agriculture and food?
2) What kinds of transregional synergies are emerging within these contexts, how are transregional alliances being organised, and what are the opportunities and challenges of these interconnections?
3) How can the intersections between these different fields of expertise be used in a fruitful way to improve our understanding of the future of food?"
Scholars are invited to submit an abstract of 300 words bySaturday, 30 April 2016