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Lessons from implementing the Voluntary Guidelines

Mai 2016: Die Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) sind global verhandelte freiwillige Richtlinien, die am 11. Mai 2012 vom Committee on World Food Security (CFS) verabschiedet wurden. Eine der Fragen, denen in einer Studie für die staatliche Entwicklungsinstitution DFID nachgegangen wird, ist: Können die Richtlinien als 'soft Law' Machtverhältnisse verändern und 'hard law' auf nationaler Ebene positiv beeinflussen?

"The report presents a review of initiatives to implement and realise the principles of the VGGT, analyses some of their strengths and weaknesses and offers recommendations on the way forward. This is based on an extensive review of existing documents; material and perspectives shared at several international conferences and colloquia; and interviews with many key participants in the formulation and implementation of the VGGT. We present the main initiatives taken by diverse stakeholders to use, institutionalise and entrench the VGGT at local, national, regional and international levels. The report focuses on five broad strategies: awareness-raising, capacity-building, national programmes, regional partnerships and monitoring and evaluation."

Strengthening land governance: Lessons from implementing the Voluntary Guidelines. By Ruth Hall and Ian Scoones with Giles Henley. May 2016. Download (pdf)