März 2016: Beim 'Blue Economy Business and Science Forum' in Hamburg (12. und 13. September 2016), organisiert von der EU-Kommission, wollen die EU, Unternehmensvertreter und Wissenschaftler diskutieren, wie die profitable Nutzung der Meere verbessert werden kann. Aus der Ankündigung: "This Summit will gather together around 200 Blue Economy stakeholders who will be proposing solutions for boosting the European competitiveness in marine and maritime technologies, increasing collaboration between science and industrial sectors, demonstrating the value of innovative technologies, scaling them up and bringing them to the market."
"They will also examine solutions for clearing bottlenecks that hinder the commercialisation of innovative blue technologies in the EU. Making investments in the marine environment is costly, therefore access to finance is crucial. Participants will also analyse how the new Commission proposal on the European Innovation Council could provide opportunities for Blue Economy entrepreneurs and innovators."