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Transparency International Bangladesh

TIB aims to drive a participatory movement against corruption by increasing accountability through improved institutions, laws, and practices. Established as a Trust in 1996, TIB became a registered non-governmental organisation in 1998. It strives to reduce corruption and advance good governance in Bangladesh through research, public awareness campaigns, and advocacy.


UBINIG ist eine partizipative Basisorganisation für Politik und Aktionsforschung, die 1984 gegründet wurde, um die Initiativen der Menschen zu unterstützen, die ihr Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen wollen. Veröffentlichung von Artikeln zu einem breiten Themenspektrum.

UBINIG is a community led and community based policy and action research organization formed in 1984 to support people's initiatives to take command over their own lives and livelihood. Veröffentlichung von Artikeln zu einem breiten Themenspektrum.